2018 February Kids Club Printables

Put on your paleontologist hat this month because we’re going back in time! This month’s printables are full of dinosaurs in every shape and size - what colors will you make them so that they come alive?? Have fun! Mo xoxo DOWNLOAD YOUR PRINTABLES HERE! DINO DOUBLE > This dinosaurs are made up of such great big shapes! Draw the dinosaur’s twin in the space at the bottom of the page. JURASSIC PARK > Get out the scissors! Create 3-D dinosaurs with these bodies and legs and get stomping around town. SPOT THE DIFFERENCE > Can you find all TEN differences? FLOWER CROWNS > These dinosaurs look a lot less fierce with flower crowns on their heads! What do you think prehistoric flowers looked like? Draw them in the field. COLOR COLOR COLOR > Once we started drawing dinosaurs, we couldn’t stop! Have fun coloring them in, or cut them out to put on a gift! DOWNLOAD YOUR PRINTABLES HERE!
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