

Keyboard + cute Korean stickers

Japanese Stickers + Korean Stickers

So, about Japanese, Korean, and kawaii stickers... You all know my sticker love grows from a memory that many of us share. I...

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Bando Planner! Planner review... Some next level stuff!

I'm feeling like a total noodge (yes, mom language, I know) because I've had this Bando Planner (AKA Bando Agenda) post almost ...

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Sticker like an egyptian!

Pipsticks is TWO YEARS OLD!!

Two. Years. Old. OMG!!! Pipsticks is two years old! ย Just like any birthday, I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s been two years, and at the sa...

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stickerbomb keds are so cool

KEDS (are way better with stickers)

We're celebrating our second birthday thisย month!! So, I neededย a party worthy DIY, and wanted to use stickers from our Septemb...

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We're giving away a typewriter!

September VIP giveaways!

Okay, it's safe to say we areย VERY excited to celebrate our second birthday at the Pipsticks Studio!! I'll be writing a little ...

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Scratch n sniff stickers!

Scratch n Sniff Stickers: 51 reasons to love The Stink Factory

In our ongoing reveal of our cute stickers collection (you've hopefully already read about our kawaii stickers!), we are excite...

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Puffy stickers to the rescue

Puffy stickers to the rescue

Who loves puffy stickers?! WE LOVE PUFFY STICKERS!! In fact, we love puffy stickers so much, if you could see me right now, you...

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School's out!

School's out! My kids finished school today! I can't wait for sprinklers, w...

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Print this pocket!

Printable picnic pouches

A few years ago, I invested in what proved to be one of my most disappointing purchases ever. A picnic basket. Not to be ove...

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