3 Ways To Use Your May Kids Club Stickers
Rainbow month is here!!! It's our favorite month and it's got some of our FAVORITE stickers ?? Plus we've got some retro style stickers that will bring you right back to your 80s local sticker shop. Here's a few ways to inspire you to get making and embrace the rainbows!
Mini Board Game
This Candy Town sticker sheet was just begging to become a mini board game! We even made game pieces out of the gummy bear stickers ? and used a dice to roll!
Rainbow Stickerbomb
This is the best activity for all ages! We recommend pre-cutting rainbow shapes for kids, and even outlining with a pencil the area for each color. It's helps to know when to stop and start for each color! Then it's good to go back over your sticker bombing with small stickers and fill in the gaps! Ta da! ??
Sticker Vignette
One of our most favorite crafts here! Sticker vignettes! Cut a tiny square folding card, and use an exacto knife to cut 3 sides of a window on one side and fold the flap out. Decorate the inside with stickers, and maybe a little message! Then glue the frame down only, so you can still open the flap to see your sticker vignette ?And decorate the outside too! Keep it for yourself when you need some inspiration or gift it to a friend!