Let's Chat: Create with Beth
Last spring, I was lucky enough to be part of the Southeast Planner Con, in Atlanta GA. In addition to spreading the sticker love, I had the chance to rub elbows with some seriously talented people. One of the headliners of the event was Beth, AKA @createwithbeth.
One of the highlights of the event was the dinner I attended the night before the convention. Those of us giving workshops had a chance to shmooze, and it was in the revolving restaurant atop the Westin hotel that I became totally and completely smitten with Beth!
She is a bit soft spoken, totally gorgeous, and so so so genuine. I hate to say she's nice (because really, who wants to be described as nice), but she is - in the most fun, cool, always-there-to-give-you-a-thumbs-up-and-smile kind of way.
Beth is also an inspiring mom and a super talented crafter. Her layouts are fresh and inspiring - always fun and bright, but sophisticated and never cheesy. If I could outsource my personal scrapbooking, it would go directly to Beth...
Introduce yourself to our readers!
Hello! I'm Beth from @createwithbeth. I am a stay at home mom of 2. My hobbies include: creative planning, shopping, movies, and trying out new restaurants.
Where do you live and work?
I was born and raised in Wisconsin.
How do you incorporate your creativity into motherhood?
Even though I call myself a creative person it can be tough trying to be a creative mom. Sometimes, a crazy hair day or crazy sock day can be overwhelmingly challenging. That’s when I turn to Pinterest.
You come from a big family – did you guys collaborate on creative projects growing up?
I am the 4th child out of 5. We didn’t really collaborate on creative projects but I do remember road tripping a lot. We often traveled to Six Flags theme park and Minnesota in our brown Chevy station wagon.
In the times of no tablets or electronics, we had to get creative with games and keeping occupied during those trips.
What’s your creative path over the past few decades?
The earliest memory I have of being creative is winning a coloring contest in the third grade. It was from the Legion. I was super happy because I loved coloring and loved art. Then around 8th grade, I also started memory keeping.
One thing that I always had on me was a disposable camera. You all know what those are right? Well in the times of no cell phones, I would buy these over and over so I could have memories to hold onto.
I did this until I purchased my first camera in 2005. I still can’t believe how much I paid for a small point and shoot camera compared to how much less it costs today.
What do think is the most important when putting together a layout?
Having a theme! It just makes it a lot easier for me to design and decorate. Whether it be a color theme, sticker, design, or ephemera that you want to base your layout on.
How do you feel about stickers?
I LOVE stickers!! I can still remember when my teachers in grade school would put stickers on my assignments or let me choose a sticker. That would just make my day.
There were even times when there were the scratch and sniff ones in fruit scents. Do ya’ll remember those? (We can say with certainty we do, if you need a refresher: Scratch n Sniff)
What’s a challenge in your life right now?
A challenge I have right now is trying to not buy everything for my planners. The struggle is real ladies.
As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
I wanted to be a teacher and a librarian when I grew up.
If you had an extra two hours in the day that you had to spend doing something for yourself what would you do?
I would probably spend it watching a movie. I love movies. Romantic Comedies are my favorite.
Your house is burning. Outside of pets/family, what would you grab?
Other than my loved ones, what would I grab? To be honest, that’s all I would grab. I know that nothing else matters at that point.
What are you reading?
I am currently reading, nothing. The only thing I read is the Bible or things I am currently researching.
What’s your karaoke song?
I don’t have a karaoke song. But I think I would have fun singing “I Love Rock n Roll” just because the movie Coyote Ugly did it so well. A girl can imagine can’t she?
What is your pet peeve?
My pet peeve is when I am at a movie and the theater is pretty much empty, and someone decides to sit right in front of me. Really?
Who do you look up to?
I look up to my family. They shape me to be the person I hope to be.
What quality do you think is most important in a mom?
Having grace.
What should people keep in mind when sitting down to be creative?
Don't think of anything else but your creative thoughts and creative things. Just let your creativity flow!
Thanks so much, Beth! If you're as inspired by Beth's creativity as we are, you can find more of her here:
Instagram @createwithbeth
Facebook @createwithbeth
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Mo xoxo
p.s. Meet some of our other friends: Miss Trenchcoat; Miss Vicky Bee

We all want to: Create with Beth!