Pip Tip Tuesday & GET TO WORK BOOK Giveaway

Planning is like the beautiful child of two long loved crafting traditions: scrapbooking and journaling. It's 2D (puffies unfortunately don't fare well in a planner), and can document the minutia of your life in a way that's satisfying and beautiful. Better yet, it's functional and LOW pressure since there's always a new layout and week ahead of you. It's a lot more fun to stay on top of your schedule when you can keep it in a beautiful planner, embellish it with stickers, and admire it every time you check in on what's going on. There is a fine line however between planning and decorating. And, trust me, it's a VERY slippery slope! Hopefully, you have the luxury of spending as much time as you want on your planner set up. If you don't have tons of time however, it's still possible to join the planner craze (and still worth the investment in all those sticker, pen, and washi hauls, haha)! This week's tip...
Make the form follow function!
If you're busy busy busy, it's crucial that you balance the form and function of your planner so that you can not only have a pretty schedule, but also actually get sh*t done! In order to do this, I start decorating the spreads in my planner with a few "base" layers: washi tape and color blocked stickers to highlight important or recurring things. From there, I write in what's coming. And, sometimes, that's all I get to! This usually takes about 11-20 minutes and voila! If you use the color combo inspo I talked about last week, you can have a minimally decorated planner that looks super fresh and inspiring and keeps you on track. And, the beauty of it all is that if time opens up during the week you can add to it! Be sure to keep the other stickers and stuff that would go well with the layout close by so you can pop them in when you get a free minute or two.

Today's Giveaway: GTWB

This GET TO WORK BOOK is simple and effective! It's sleek black design makes it easy a perfect accessory to any outfit, and the beautiful layout is so easy to use! Not only will you get this beautiful planner, Elise is also throwing in the awesome TODAY Bookmark to keep you on task!
Like our Instagram or Facebook #PipTipTuesday post (with a picture of this GET TO WORK BOOK), tag someone who brings a little sunshine to your life, and tell us about the one thing you do regularly to keep your planner going! Don’t have social media? Not a problem, share in the comments below and I’ll make sure you’re entered to win! Contest ends at 12pm PST on Friday, February 3rd. Winners will be announced Monday, February 6th, and will be contacted via email or social media. Contest Terms & Conditions

SNEAK PEAK! Mega Planner Giveaway!

How excited are you guys for the Super Awesome Mega Fun Planner Giveaway??? Here's another little sneak peek to keep you interested! We'll be sharing all week on social media, so keep your eyes peeled! xo Mo p.s. check out my interview with Elise (GTWB Creator), and my GET TO WORK BOOK Review.
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- April 09, 2024

Honestly – I just have to be consistent making some time each morning or evening to get to it. Some days i’m more inspired that others – but getting to look back at all of colorful pages of my life is so worth it!


- April 09, 2024

I find if I brain dump every evening, I sleep better and am more likely to refer to it tomorrow.

Summer moqbel

- April 09, 2024

I dont have social media..So I am going to tell what i do regularly to keep my planning going..I use my handy beautiful planner to jot down reminders and important things this way i can always be using it!i can be a daily use!but sadly i dont have a big enough planner to write all my notes:(

Melissa T

- April 09, 2024

Preplanning with sticky notes as sometimes you don’t know when certain events are going to happen.


- April 09, 2024

I’m pretty new to the world of planners. After my graduation I’m finally starting to work this year and until now I’ve somehow managed to get through using tons and tons of To-Do lists. So I’m VERY much looking forward to my first real planner this year! :)

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