Fan Mail Friday: "A space where everyone can enjoy stickers"

This has been a cold winter but our hearts are SO warm with all the fan mail love this season. Thank you so much for all the snail mail love ♥ Hello, mo! I want to thank you so much for creating a space where everyone can enjoy stickers and not be judged. They truly are for everyone. Re-discovering stickers nas made meso nappy. Seeing that holographic Pipsticks package in my mailbox really makes myheart sing. Im a nurse and stickers (and the surranding community) nave really been an outlet forme.So again, thank you! your friend, Maddie
Hello, Mo! I want to thank you so much for creating a space where everyone can enjoy stickers and not be judged. They truly are for everyone. Re-discovering stickers has made me so nappy. Seeing that holographic Pipsticks package in my mailbox really makes my heart sing. I'm a nurse and stickers (and the surrounding community) have really been an outlet for me. So again, thank you! Your friend, Maddie

Happy Friday!

Well, as I expected, February has been a complete blur with birthdays and birthday parties, Valentine's Day, and days off of school. I would give anything for an event-free week and I've found that even a party animal has her limits :) Only two more weeks to go....

Last night I did a demo as part of the Card Maker's Success Summit and it was super fun and inspired me to do more making WITH you guys in the future. I went to bed dreaming about hosting our own summit and am bound and determined to come up with an event where we can all hang out, talk stickers, and inspire one another in real time. Doesn't that sound like the best thing ever?!

In other news, people are sending loads of fun fanmail letting us know how Pipsticks are helping them get through winter (and subzero temps in some cases!). Once again - Pipsticks to the rescue :) Keep the fanmail coming!

Have a relaxing weekend,

xoxo Mo
Fan Mail from a while back from a secret sticker pal - so mysterious!! Dear Pipsticks, LOVE stickers! I just wanted you to have Something fun come in the mail since you bring so much joy to others. Whoot whoot! Viva la stickers! Sincerely, Secret sticker Pal P.S. I know you don't send character. stickers but I didn't think you'd mind if I sent you a few. I'm sure your over loaded with. stickers of all kinds, still. hope there are a few you. don't. have or are new to you.
Dear Pipsticks, LOVE stickers! I just wanted you to have Something fun come in the mail since you bring so much joy to others. Whoot whoot! Viva la stickers! Sincerely, Secret sticker Pal P.S. I know you don't send character stickers but I didn't think you'd mind if I sent you a few. I'm sure you're overloaded with stickers of all kinds, still. hope there are a few you don't have or are new to you.

We love to hear from you! Send us Fan Mail and you could be our winner of a Pipsticks gift card to go on a sticker shopping spree - how great does that sound?
Sticker Squad
1304 Garden Street
San Luis Obispo, California
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