Fanmail Friday: "We ❤ you so much ❤"

The best Traveling Postcard we've gotten in a while! It was Pipsticks themed ?

Happy Friday!

I have so many updates... First off, we are officially moved in to our new place in Brooklyn, NY! It has been a loooooong week of unpacking boxes, moving things, moving them again (and sometimes AGAIN), looking for cords/ chapstick/ spatulas, and helping the kids through all. the. feelings.

But, at the end of each day for the past five days straight, our family has walked exactly two and a half blocks to get amazing ice cream at one of TWO awesome ice cream places nearby. The jury is split on which one is better! It's so nice to finally be here.

Nathan resembles the Energizer Bunny when it comes to moving in and though I would tend to take things slower myself, I always appreciate it when we're FULLY settled quickly (even if it takes a week or two to catch up on sleep).

The news around Pipsticks is that we're moments away from being sold out of our new Hello Kitty And Friends subscription! This morning we had 172 subs left and as I type we're down to 29!

So, if you've been procrastinating on signing up, STOP reading, go join the club, and then come back to this email :) As we've said before, we will not be selling these stickers outside of the subscription so this is your shot!

I hope your weekend is relaxed and full of sunshine. Sending lots of love from NYC!

xoxo Mo p.s. The theme of next month's Stationery Club Box is crushing it - I never knew there were so many Alice In Wonderland fans!

p.p.s. We love your letters! Send happymail to us at Pipsticks, P.O. Box 13260, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. This month send s mail and you'll be entered to win a $250 Pipsticks gift card!
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Stacy j villa

- April 09, 2024

We love you much PiPsTiCkS♡♡ !!

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