Fanmail Friday: Loom time!


Happy Friday!

How was your week? Since we moved to NYC I've been focused on getting settled, helping the kids feel more adjusted, making new friends, and work, which has left virtually no time for creativity (outside of sticker design that is!).

I'm a creature of habit and when I fall out of a routine, I fall hard and fast. Recently, this has bummed me out because I know that I'm happiest when I'm making things. And, knowing that you're in a slump is discouraging in itself - I've felt more and more uninspired and just didn't have the energy to pick up a new project. That was until...

I got a loom for my birthday! A few months ago we went to a neighbor's house for dinner and she showed me her "loom room." Space is TIGHT in NYC, so the idea of having a whole room (allbeit a tiny one) dedicated to something creative kind of blew my mind.

The loom that she had was SUPER simple to use (it's called a Saori loom) and after 20 sec of instruction I was able to mess around with it myself. I left their house feeling totally inspired.

That said, I was surprised and a bit daunted when Nathan gifted me the same loom last month - it seemed like a BIG investment considering that I didn't seem to have time to do any of the other creative hobbies that were already on my list!

But over the past couple of weeks I've been thrilled by how much we're all using it! We've set the loom up in the living room next to a dreamy basket of yarn, and the brilliant thing is you can spend just minutes or whole hours weaving.

I've loved playing with different textures and color combinations. It's so fun to have such a collaborative project going (every time I sit down, I find that Indy has added something new - color splits! popcorn stitches! pom poms!). Friends and neighbors pop by and add a few lines here and there before they leave - I wish you could just come over and sit down and play around with it too!

I laugh thinking maybe this is some kind of creative midlife crisis (the next time you hear from me I'll be wearing tie dye, growing middle-aged dread locks, and embroidering daisies and peace signs on the pockets of my jeans!), but it's also been incredible to see how weaving for a few minutes a day has reignited my creativity across the board.

I'm making more time to create snailmail with the kids at night! I'm cooking more interesting dinners! I'm stickering my journal during my morning routine! I'm even feeling more inspired at work!

Overall, it's been a huge WIN. So, in case you need a little nudge too, JUST START DOING SOMETHING because creativity will always lead to more creativity :)

Have a wonderful weekend! Big hugs,

xoxo Mo

p.s. Speaking of pretty color combos, you'll LOVE the spring palette in our dreamy Easter Sticker Countdown!

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