FanMail Friday: Passport Pitstop

Happy Friday!
How was your week? I traveled all week for work, wrapping up Craftcation, connecting with my team in San Luis Obispo, and meeting with our new distributor in Canada. As with any long trip, there have been a few travel hiccups...
The night before I was supposed to fly from CA to Toronto I realized I needed a passportย and had to reroute back through NYC overnight to pick it up and dash out again. Also - missed travel connections. Sprinting through the airport. LOTS of turbulence.
I've tried to rally and look on the bright side during each snafu (a delayed flight = time to get boba!), but after switching hotels almost every night and talking nonstop, I can't wait for a chill weekend back at home (that said, there's always a transition period - re-entry into our chaotic household after a week of travel takes some time lol).
While I've been out and about, everyone else in the world is BUYING PIPSTICKERS!! Our warehouse sale is totally bananas (up to 70% off!!) and I can assure you that there are a LOT of happy sticker lovers out there based on the insane orders that have been coming in!
A friend was recently saying she always wonders what other people order and I agree - it's fun to see the selections people make on a mega sale like this. I love it when people share their order confirmation on Insta stories (especially when they're scrolling and scrolling and scrolling haha) - it's like a little window into their sticker brain!
I hope you have the best weekend. Sending love from home in NYC,

p.s. We love your letters! Send happymail to us at Pipsticks, P.O. Box 13260, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.
ย ย 3 Fun Things: