With the weather turning, we've started thinking about comfort food and cozying up with friends over lazy meals. These place cards willย liven up your brunch or dinner table, adding the perfect combination of cool and whimsy. We welcomed the opportunity to break out our customizable letter stamp (if you don't have this, it's an item I highly recommend investing in - we use it all the time. Find it here), but you could hand write names or sayings on the speech bubbles. Use paper from your October Pipsticks pack, or whatever you have laying around to make the place cards.
Pre-folded place cards / cardstock
Changeable stamper / fine line Sharpie
Pipsticks Sticker pack: Speech bubble stickersSkull stickers (or any other character you love)ย
Double sided tape / glue if you're using two paper colors
1. Cut your place cards. We used pre-folded cards and cut them down to 2.75x2.75". We also cut black paper to layer on our white cards. Use double sided tape or dots of glue to adhere the black paper in the center of the place card.
2. Use the tweezers provided to spell out the message you want to stamp. Remember to place them in right to left as it will print reversed.
3. Align the stamp in the upper left corner of a piece of scratch paper and stamp.
4. Hold the speech bubble up to the paper in front of a window or light so you can center the text in the sticker.
5. Re-align the stamp in the upper left corner of the scratch paper and stamp on the sticker.
6. Carefully blot the stamp with a paper towel.
7. Place the skulls and bubbles on your place cards leavingย at least 1/4"ย space around the outside.
8. Make a meal worthy of your table decor!