Pipsticks + Tonia Dee Collaboration+Giveaway!

Obsessed. That's the word that comes to mind when I think of the moment I first came across the Insta feed belonging to Tonia Dee, a brilliant illustrator and designer. @toniadee_designs I fell down this magical rabbit hole at the beginning of the year and proceeded to spend an hour scrolling through her insta feed (with my eyes eagerly bugging out of my head). After getting in touch with her, it was clear that SHE was as playful, warm, and bright as her artwork! Parrot present @toniadee_designs Her designs are simple, and beautiful and her projects are just a little bit quirky in the best way - she recently did a 100-day project where she made and explored tiny doors (!!!).

Pipsticks + Tonia Dee GIVEAWAY

One look at Tonia Dee's (beyond) fabulous Instagram feed, and it's easy to see why we HAD to collaborate with her on August's stickers! Her designs dressed up in sparkly gold foil is enchanting - and a reminder of those long, lingering summer nights. We also happen to be color soul sisters with our go-to combo of pink + yellow ... I mean just LOOK at these designs!!

Here's what you'll win:

  • 25 Postcard Prints (5 of each design)
  • Some GORGEOUS gift wrap
  • 3 Month Pipsticks Gift Subscription
The giveaway will run through July 31st, so be sure to max out your entries and tell all your friends!!


Pipsticks + Tonia Dee   Don’t have social media? It’s cool, just enter your email above and you'll be entered to win. Also, EVERYONE in our Pro Sticker Club will also receive an entry, so if you're not already a subscriber, go sign up! Contest ends at 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday, July 31st. The winner will be announced Thursday August 1st, and will be contacted via email or social media. Contest Terms & Conditions Read our Q+A with Tonia below and be sure to sign up for the Pro Sticker Club to get her stickers (if you're not already a member).

Let's chat with Tonia Dee

Where do you live? Where are you from? For the past three years I’ve been living abroad in Prague, Czech Republic, with my husband and daughter. It’s been quite an adventure and pushes me out of my comfort zone on a daily basis. I’m originally from a small, rural town in the Midwest: Kirksville, Missouri. What do you LOVE?  Plants, being barefoot, using my hair as a pocket for art tools (*if you look very closely at my portrait photo you can see a pencil and paintbrush sticking out of my bun), learning the ukulele, reading Kid Lit, being playful, and singing in the shower! What do you dislike? Having to dress fancy and theme park rides Do you have siblings? Yes, I have an amazing younger sister who is also a designer & artist @____shelbypage What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? I think I’ve always wanted to be an artist of some kind. Even as a young child I would spend hours drawing, coloring, singing, writing little songs, dancing, choreographing little dance routines and imagining I was a famous artist. I also very seriously considered being a unicorn or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. What do you do for work? For my work I create repeating patterns, surface designs, and illustrations. How long have you been in the creative industry? I was hired for my first studio job as a graphic designer when I was about 23 and have been weaving in and out of various creative fields for the past decade; occasionally stepping away from the creative industry for awhile to do something completely different. What's the thing you're most proud of making? As cliche as it is, I would have to say that I’m super proud of making my daughter, Nova. The fact that I’m equipped to create a human, let alone a human as funny, sweet, and creative as her, is pretty mind-blowing for me. Tonia Dee @toniadee_designs What's an exciting idea you've had recently? I would really, really love to do illustrations for children’s toys and games. I’m starting to work on a few personal projects for my portfolio. Whenever I think about it, a little electric wave of excitement runs through me. What's your favorite color combination right now? Pink & Yellow will probably always be my classic go-to, but right now I'm really into Light pink + Deep cadmium orange + Black + White + Gold - which I used for the sticker designs! What's your favorite pen? I don’t really have a fave pen, but earlier this year I had the opportunity to collaborate and design a jewelry collection. My metallic gold IKEA pen proved pretty indispensable for creating the sketches. I also put a lot of mileage on my 0.4 PILOT G-TEC pen. jewelry collaboration designs How many hours a day do you spend on creativity? It fluctuates quite a lot from day-to-day depending on deadlines vs. family schedule. When did you fall in love with stickers? I remember falling hard and fast for stickers when I was about 5 and received my first pack of Lisa Frank stickers. Love at first sight! sketches of the collaboration stickers What's your go-to Karaoke song? “Walking After Midnight” by Patsy Cline Coffee or Tea? TEA!!! What food could you eat all day every day? Thai curry or fresh coconut What's your favorite movie? I have seen all the LAIKA films (Coraline, ParaNorman, Boxtrolls, Kubo) many times each, and am so super excited to see their newest film “Missing Link.” What are you currently reading? I’m about to finish “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg and just started reading “Pippi Longstocking” by Astrid Lindgren with my daughter.   Tonia Dee Illustration @toniadee_designs What's the best present you've received? This is tough because I have so many thoughtful family members and friends that have giving me so many tangible and intangible gifts. But one that readily comes to mind is a book that a friend sent me for my b-day several years ago: “A Field Guide to Fabric Design” by Kim Kight. I read it cover to cover and followed the instructions for making my very first repeating patterns. What are three Instagram accounts that inspire you? @erinpaisley, @mrtomfroese, @rebeccagreenillustration, @vankhuynhart, @mpsindustries ...sorry, I wasn't able to cut it down to just three! Thanks Tonia! We are so stoked to see your stickers in the 2019 August Pro subscription packs!  Follow Tonia Dee here, and don't miss out on her amazing stickers! Mo xoxo
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Akanksha Singh

- April 09, 2024

Exciting giveaway! Thank you for the chance!

lauren ingham

- April 09, 2024

lovely giveaway!

Valeria Mayoral

- April 09, 2024

Would love this for my birthday ♡ falling July 31!

Rin Wis

- April 09, 2024

All the pretty things ?? (I got logged out, so I’m trying again)

Rin Wis

- April 09, 2024

All the pretty things ??

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