July 2017 Planners Printables Subscription

Hiya Guys! This month's printables are inspired by my focus on caring for myself in the midst of all the crazy happening in life. These little succulents are such a simple reminder of how a little bit of care can produce such a beautiful outcome. This month, you won't find much black & white, just a LOT of color (yet again)! Each printable can be printed on any type of paper, but we like to use presentation quality paper. Don't forget to mix it up and print on colored paper, patterned paper, newsprint, or label paper! You never know what you'll be able to create! *Heart Eyes* I KNOW WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF #PLANNERADDICTS OUT THERE, SO I HAVE A FEW DOWNLOAD OPTIONS FOR YOU

The Breakdown

STICKER PARTY > Whether you’ve got a green thumb or not, this month’s stickers will liven up your planner! TODAY > Write out the highlights as they happen or reflect on your favorite parts at the end of the day (preferably while eating a big bowl of ice cream!). PLANT LADY > Dashboard or frame as a reminder to water your plants! GEO CARDS > Print and cut to use as notecards, journal cards, or intention cards and tape to your mirror with cute washi! SUCC IT TO ‘EM > These succulent drawings make gorgeous stickers! We’ve been printing them at all different sizes and going crazy making dashboards. It’s also great as patterned paper. AUGUST > This month’s calendar is simple and zen - and calling out for your doodles! PATTERN PLAY > Make little pockets and glue to your dashboard to keep little notes!

What should I print on?

What paper should I use to print my pages? Any regular printer paper is okay, however they’ll look best if you using a presentation quality paper. We suggest What sticker sheets should I use to print stickers on? For any stickers that come in your printable subscription, you'll want full sheet sticker paper. We suggest: If you have any other questions, please shoot me an email at mo@pipsticks.com. xo Mo p.s. Don't forget! you can adjust the sizing in your page setup to print them out smaller!  
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